Friday, January 4, 2019

The Kind Of Men Who Carry A Pocket Knife

The Kind Of Men Who Carry A Pocket Knife

Less than 40 years have passed and I am astonished to see how the times have changed since my father bought this knife for me as just a small boy. I do still have it, which by today’s standards is an anomaly. I’ll leave the discussion of our throwaway culture for another time.

Yes, this pocket knife has witnessed many changes in our society. Technology, communication, transportation, and even education have dramatically changed from the way it was just a generation ago. My pocket knife and I are neither quite certain if all the changes have been for the good. When I look across the landscape of America and take note of the differences, the greatest change that I see is in the people themselves.

Growing up in rural Northeast Alabama in the foothills of the Appalachians, I was privileged to catch the tale end of what was an era marked by ruggedness and self-sufficiency. I grew up around men that were willing to fix what was broken and take the time to do it right. My father was a Vietnam veteran and the product of growing up farming the hills of these same mountains where I was raised. He always carried a small pocket knife much like the one pictured. He had an affinity for Case knives, but would carry the occasional “Old timer” or “Buck” or even “Schrade”. One thing was for sure, that he had one with him, wherever he was.  You could also be pretty sure that his pocket knife would be so sharp that if you were to stare at it too long your eyeballs would bleed.   Now that's pretty sharp....    The pocket knife was an important part of his life. Whether it was to slice a freshly picked apple, or to cut some twine, (coincidentally twine can patch most any broken farm implement until you can get home) he was always prepared. At Christmas time, my father always had his knife waiting to help open those pesky gifts that needed cutting open as only a father can do best.

My father was not the only man in my young life that I watched wield his trusty 3 bladed pocket knife as if it was a surgeon's scalpel. My uncles, my friend’s dads, my bosses, they all carried pocket knives. I watched. I learned. I saw a resourcefulness in the these men, that is seldom seen today. For my father and so many others of a generation gone by, a pocket knife was an essential tool for daily life. The men who carry pocket knives are hardworking, do it yourselfer types, who were raised to rely on themselves and be prepared in nearly every situation. I have seen a pocket knife start a tractor, remove a splinter, slice a watermelon, carve a toy, and open a can. They have been used to clean wild game, cut gum/tar out of hair, sharpen a pencil, cutting fishing bait, and teaching responsibility. The list goes on and on. The uses of the pocket knife are as varied and strong as the men who use them.

I adopted this tool at a very early age as one that would always be at my side. A pocket knife has always been a part of who I am. So much so that I was almost offended when I would encounter a grown man who didn’t have one in his own pocket. I took it upon myself in my 20’s to start gifting knives. Sometimes to random strangers, sometimes to close friends. The conversation would generally start by asking if I could borrow someone’s knife, knowing full well that I had 2 in my own pocket. If the answer was a proud “why sure”, then I would gladly take the knife and inspect it for its level of wear as an indicator of how much work it had actually seen. Often paying a simple compliment as I return the knife. If the answer was that they didn’t have a knife to let me borrow, I would quickly reach into my pocket and deliver one to their hand along with a reference to the fact that every man should carry a knife. To date, I have given out somewhere north of 300 knives.

So, who are the kind of men who carry pocket knives today? They are typically utilitarian. They are the type of men who work hard for a living, fix what is broken, and stand fearless in the face of a world full of evil. To put it simply, they are the type of men that I feel this world needs more of.

If you find yourself in a tight spot and need some help, just ask the guy with the pocket knife. Although they are few are far between these days, chances are he can and will be able to lend a hand.

I carry, do you? JEJ

Until next time:  Be Safe. Be Careful. Behave. Don’t Do Anything Illegal, Immoral, Unethical, Or Just Plain Stupid.  


  1. Replies
    1. Yes indeed I do and probeably always will.

    2. I normally have 2 knives in my pockets, one small 2 or 3 blade and a larger single blade lock back for heavier jobs. This is EDC for the past 56 years...since before the term "EDC!"

    3. I allways carry a pocket knife and will allways carry one. I lose the odd one,but i have other back ups. I would not get through my day without using one.I have been given some as gifts and those i just hate to loose them. I have one cherished oneor two that i will keep protected.

    4. Mine is almost 40 years old, and it is always in my pants pocket, from church to work and all in between! 3 blade Old Timer..

    5. Good article , my dad gave me my first pocket knife when I was 10 (60 years ago) unfortunately it has long gone . I carry one to this day . It is amazing to hear what certain people say when they see a pocket knife. Some 6-7 years back a lady pulled up next to me at a coffee shop with a hold bundle of plastic twine wrapped around her axle . I thought I would be a gentleman and despite the ground was covered in 6 inches of snow I removed all of the twine . When I stood up ,somewhat expecting a thank you or a free coffee . I got a lecture on the evils of carying a concealed weapon .

    6. 61 and I carry a small schrade Walden 3 blade, a small schrade single lock blade and at least one large 2 blade... I've been designing & building leather cases/sheaths for 40+ years as a leather craftsmen... My sons were both given pocket knives when they were younger... Both Case knives...

    7. I have several pocket knives I carry. One is special and I carry it on special occassions. Most of the others are for odd jobs and skinning. Just as sure as I forget it I will need it. I can't remember my first knife, but carried one all through school and college. Now i'm old but I have a case trapper in my pocket.

    8. Former southern Iowegian, here. The day I was born, my brother--being age 6--offered to trade me for a new green pocket knife. Fortunately, the deal wasn't struck, and we became great friends. He passed last week. Your wonderful story was like a big hug. Thanks.

    9. As I have gotten older, now 65, I have reduced my three blade "Old Timer" to a single blade "Buck Executive", but I still carry. Always have, always will.

    10. have an old TB 3558 at all times

    11. My dad carried one, my husband carries one, my son carries one. Recently, my husband had to put his in his checked luggage to make sure he had it in his pocket after we got to our destination. Texans carry knives, too!

    12. No one has mentioned Swiss Army knives. Yep, they're ugly. Yep, the steel ain't much, but, Ah, the tools!! Out in the woods, weird shiny folding screwdriver in your pocket is better than the best Craftsman that's at home in a tool box!
      I've lost them and given them away around the world. "Fixing Things" is implied in the design. I avoid creating fear: I call it a "Macgyver.' SAKs aren't for everyone, but many a boy and girl's eyes have popped when I said, "You can keep it if your daddy says it's okay." And they always do.

    13. I do. That picture is exactly the same kind I gave one of my sons over Christmas. It was my step dads. They each got one of my step dads.

    14. I have always carried one since I was a teenager and always kept them sharp. I have a serious dislike for a dull knife in my house.

    15. Yep, I always carry one in my pocket. Have since i was a kid.

  2. I'm rarely without my Puma or Case. Just ask the ladies at the Community Club Christmas parties. Anyway, I've had one since my dad gave me my first one when I was about 5 or 6. My brothers didn't get one until much later. My dad said if his little girl was going to help work on cars, she better have tools and a knife is one of the best and most useful.

  3. I carry a knife & also carry a gun - getting to old to fight like I use too!!🐸🐾🐾

    1. Ditto!
      Three knives and three guns depending upon the need that arises!!

    2. I have carried many different kinds of pocket knives for over 60 years. I like a small Gerber in my pocket for every day just in case I need one. I also keep a Swiss Army knife in my Combo tool /Lunchbox and take it with me all the time. I have my father's and grandfather's Case Knives which I cherish for the memories they remind me of.

  4. My husband, who is in his 40s, carries a pocket knife and has as long as I’ve known him. This article is very true in his case for sure!!

  5. my father use to say,"don't trust a man that does not carry a pocket knife"

  6. I have carried the same pocket knife since 1952 (over 67 years).

    1. Very true. Excellent read. Thanks for sharing.

    2. I am 66 and I usually carry a small 3 bladed Sunday knife, and a user, a 3 bladed large stockman. I have carried a pocket knife about as long as I can remember. When I was in school we were always trading knives and Now they are not even allowed to take a butter knife to school With out my knife I feel like I left my right hand at home. I will carry one until I die. I cannot imagine living life without one

    3. Yes same knife for 60 yrs. I've changed the blade a few times and the handle once or twice; but its the same knife..

  7. I have carried a pocket knife over 60 years and wouldn't feel complete dressed without one

  8. I was raised to believe a man carried 3 things 1 Knife 2 watch 3 fire.The knife most important. Watch to be sure your on time. fire basic for survival.

  9. I carry a pocket knife and I live in a city in the Northeast and sit in meetings or at a computer all day. To be honest, most of the time I don't ever pull it out of my pocket (what for? I live in a city and work at a computer) but I still make sure to have one.

  10. I carry a German Tree Brand Boker. I wanted that particular knife when I was 12 years of age for Christmas. Dad bought it for me and I carried it into my adult years until I lost it in my early thirties. I’ve carried other knives, Case, Buck, Frost, and Shrade but missed my Trre Brand. About 10 years ago, my dad learned that I had lost my original knife some fifteen years earlier and bought another one identical to the one he had purchased in my childhood and gave it to me for Christmas. It is still one of my prize possessions that I still carry today.
    I love reading this article and can relate to it much the same way.

    1. When I lose A knife I always say a lil prayer that I hope someone finds and uses it , so it doesn't just rust away !!

    2. I carry a Cutco pocket knife, for damn near 30 years. I get anxious without it!

  11. I am a knife collector, but always have a user in my pocket. I was close friends with the man that made the most expensive knife in the world. He died in 2005. As a child, men in my community traded pocket knives by the “ no look no see” method. It was a great memory for me.

  12. I don't leave home without one and keep a spare in my car .

  13. I have carried one sense I was in grade school. I am now I'm my 60's and have carried the same three blade CASE now for over 20 years. I have promised my oldest grandson that when I die, the knife will be his. Every so often he asks if he might hold it and says one day this is mine.

  14. I've had one in my pocket since 12,I'm 60 grandfather raised me,gave me my 1rst knife and said if I ask to borrow it you better have it in your day he asked to borrow my knife but I left it on the nightstand he kicked me in the ass so hard I went flying .he told me never go anywhere without it again .I guess I'm still listening to my grandpap even though he's been gone a long time ago

  15. I have carried a pocket knife for more than 60 years. I would rather leave home without my pants than without my pocket knife.

  16. I do, have carried a pocket knife since grade school. First one given to me by my grandfather.

  17. Only time I do not carry is when flying. 55& years.

  18. Sadly, frequent flyers can't carry their knife in their pocket anymore. I carried a small one in my wallet for years. I got caught recently after I forgot to take it out and put it in my suitcase. TSA said lose it or go back and put it in a suitcase. Well, of course the suitcase and I had parted company out front. Now I'm out of the habit of carrying. What a shame.

    1. I had a similar occurrence a few years back, except the scanners didn't catch it. I just happened to notice it myself, tucked into an inside pocket. This was when they were doing random patdowns, and it made me nervous. So, at the gate I went to the gate agent and told him what happened. Amazingly, the man was gracious. "That's a nice one, and you wouldn't want to lose it. Give it here." He then took it away, went to baggage and darned if he didn't find my bag and stuff it inside there, wrapped in a piece of paper! I was amazed at that, and grateful when he told me what he had done.

  19. Been carrying a pocket knife since I was in grade school. I am 80 years old and now make my own pocket knives now.

  20. My daddy was never without his pocket knife. He also had a whit rock he sharpened it with. He always said he didn't feel dressed if his knife wasn't in his pocket. Daddy would have been 98 this year and has been gone from this earth 26yrs, but he still lives on in my sons, 46 and 38,because if they have on pants,you can know there is a knife in their pocket.

  21. Always carry, and it is always Sharp! It’s a Case !!

  22. I can't ever remember not carrying a pocket knife...I usually have several on me everyday...I'm a Great Eastern Cutlery fan for slip joints and LT Wright for fixed blades

  23. Thank you for this article. The first pocket knife I remember my Dad had was a little white Imperial knife. He always carried one. He told me when I got interested in horses, that I should always have one with me in case a horse got tangled and I needed to get him loose. My dad died when he was 52 and I became really interested in collecting pocket knives. I married a man that loved gun shows, so I began to pick up lots of knives. I have sold most of them on Ebay but still have lots to trade. All will go someday but the little white Imperial pocket knife. Thank you again for the article.

  24. I am a lady who carries a pocket knife. My two daughters, now in their twenties ask for it occasionally in the car to open something and I have come to the aid of many men who are hopeless Case-less. It is a concrete example of self sufficiency from a time when you "Used it up, wore it out, fixed it or did without!'

  25. I grew up collecting and carrying pocket knives of various makes and was gifted a Victorinox Executive in the 9th grade...carried one ever since, gifted many, feel almost naked if I don’t have it with me. This article is spot on...

  26. Been carrying a knife since I was 10 my Daddy got it for me and a whetstone at Sears. Sat me down in the center of the mall and showed me how to use it. Can't do that no more

  27. I carry a knife and a .45 ACP. These days with all the "gun free zones" I sometimes am forced to leave my trusty 1911 behind but my knife is always with me. I feel naked without my knife.

  28. Have carried a pocket knife ever since I was old enough to carry one and I'm 53 now.

    1. I'm 53. Can't recall when it became "just part of my daily routine" but I carry one with me always now.

  29. I don't feel mine clipped in my pocket but I do feel it missing when it's not there.

  30. Got my first one, a "cheapy" when I was 6. I am 60, now. I keep one on my person in my car, and in my "just in case" pack I keep in my vehicle. A co-worker recently saw my knife at work, and commented that I wasn't supposed to have it at work. She is a 30 something woman, raised to be afraid of her own shadow. I just put it back in my pocket, and told her I was pretty sure I was responsible enough to carry it.... I fear for that generation.

  31. Still have the one my husband gave when we were a steady couple...45 years.

  32. I carry a case knife everyday and everywhere I go.

  33. I always have my pocket knife with me. I have several.

  34. At 56 I stand amazed, the same people who will still ask for my knife.....going on 40 years now it makes me proud, if you can't pack heat you should at least have a pocket knife.

  35. Check out video of Guy Clark - 'The Randall Knife'. You'll love it.

    1. My daddy carried a knife and my husband always has in his pocket..He says he won't leave home without a handkerchief and his trustworthy knife..As a farmer, it has come in handy for many uses, as your father's did. He gives a knife to his grandson to have for important jobs..( I don't know if he takes it in his pocket, but, he has one.) A very good article..Thank you for sharing.

  36. Dad gave me a Barlow 2 blade when I was 8, have owned a heap of pocketknives. Carried nothing but yellow handle Case for years. You aren't dressed if you don't have a pocketknife. 72 last October

  37. My first knife was a Barlow that I purchased at the country "General Store" my aunt ran. I couldn't have been more than 10 or 11. Now, I'm the father of three girls, and I've made sure they all have good pocket knives. The oldest daughter's car was broken into, and the stolen item she was most upset about was a pocket knife I had given her. Makes a Daddy's heart proud.

  38. Yes indeed I do and probably always will.

  39. I have always carried a pocket knife since I was 12 years old. All through my school years, most of my teachers knew that I had a knife, so they would hand me things that required a knife to open. No matter what the occasion, before leaving home I make sure that I have my billfold, keys and my pocket knife.

  40. The Orange text on brown background hard to read .. but great post. Will share.

  41. Turn of the century all men carried, so quality in the manufacturing process was what sold. That’s why old knives are so wonderful. They were the best.

  42. I was 10 or 12 years old when my Daddy gave me my first pocket knife. He said a boy should always have a good, sharp knife. T taught my children and my oldest grandson the same thing...always carry a good, sharp knife.

  43. Been carrying one now for over 50 years. My dad gave me first one which was a nice mid sized Case knife. I lost it somewhere within about 6 months and he was so disappointed and told me I should always take care of my tools. About 35 years ago he gave me the knife my grandfather gave him. I still carry that same knife today and will hand it down to my grandson when the day is right.

  44. I have carried a knife since I was a young boy. I get on to my workers when they show up without one. I buy them one and tell them it is part of their uniform. They better have it on them every day.
    We are barn builders.

  45. Thank you sir, I'm glad to see and hear that there are other people like myself that believes a man should always carry a pocket knife on them, even if it's just a pen knife while wearing a suit. Much like you, I get offended if not annoyed when someone doesn't have one. To me, it's a right of passage, I have had 1 in my pocket since I was 8. I even carried a small while in school and the teachers that knew I had one never batted an eye and even asked to borrow it sometimes. I'm now 37 and it amazes me how few men carry a knife anymore, it's such a useful tool. Thank you again for the article.

  46. My Uncle Skeet (a WWII vet) gave me a small white handled Imperial knife when I was six or so. It stays in my gun vault now, 64 years later. In my pocket I always have my Swiss Army Executive and either my Gerber or my Benchmade tactical knife. Plus a Colt 1911, of course.

  47. I always carry one. Today its a Buck. Many people knows it and will just turn to me with an outstretched hand when the situation requires. I forgot my wallet a few times at home but never my knife.

  48. My son has always carried his since his father & grandfather both have given him one. He first earned his “totin’ Chip” as a Cub Scout. This he learned the safety rules and the “blood circle”. Something he still practices today and shows others that carry them improperly.

  49. Absolutely! Every hour of every day!!!

  50. I think my first gift was a pocket knife from my dad I was little and still have it,he is gone now but taught me how to if it sharp,I sharpen my own knife st the age of 12,he told me to always keep it sharp he me taught me a unsharp knife was never any good for me or anyone else and a unsharpen knife will get you hurt,and yes i do still a pocket knife

  51. I got one for my 6th birthday and have carried one ever since. Taught me how to sharpen it and keep it clean.

  52. I miss those pocket carrying men. Great story and all ture.

  53. I carry one and feel kind of naked with out it in my pocket

  54. When I was a kid owning and carring a pocket knife was a rite of passage to becoming a man. It usually happen when the young man was about 6 yrs old.

  55. I have several that I choose from depending on my plans for the day. Getting dressed without a pocketknife is like forgetting to put on underwear!

  56. It's funny to read this, as I ponder school districts today that treat a child in possession of any sharp object as a weapon-toting terrorist. I can remember my 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Jackson, admonishing me to take my shavings to the trash can after using my razor-sharp Cub Scout knife to resharpen my pencil at my desk. Her overriding concern was an untidy desk top. The worst possible thing that could happen with a knife back then was rust.

    My son suggested we go watch the monster trucks a few months ago, and after standing in line a while for the metal detector, he sheepishly realized he should have left his knife in the truck. He thought I'd be sore at him, but I couldn't be; the world has become a complicated place to navigate since the demise of common sense and responsibility.

  57. I carry my father's since his death 40 plus years will until it my turn to pass

  58. I carry my father's since his death 40 plus years will until it my turn to pass

  59. I always have at least one and so proud to see my son always has his. I have a few different brands but have more vintage Camillus, made in NY, than any other. They hold a great edge.

  60. Got my first pocket knife when I ws about 6 years old.Carried one ever since

  61. I've carried one since I was a kid. I've got 3 different sizes just like the knife pictured and 1 Barlow. I'm 65 now and I'm never without one.

  62. Mine saved my life. In 2002 I got pinned between a pickup truck and a haystack. There was no one to look for me. I was able to cut the bales apart and dig myself out a handful at a time.

  63. My husband always carried a pocket knife. If I asked him if he had a pocket knife on him, he'd answer "well, I have my pants on, don't I?" LOL. And yes, it was kept sharp and clean. He was a real man.

  64. I wish I could say I had my first pocket knife, but after 32 years traveling the world in the US Navy in a variety of dangerous situations, I've lost almost as many as you have given away (some not by my choice, LOL).
    I will say, however, that I still have my grandfather's knife because he sharpened it. A veteran of WWI (one), he could sharpen one that would make your eyes bleed just watching. I regret I've not developed that talent as yet. That knife, I don't carry because it is used only for surgical like procedures that require a really SHARP knife.

  65. Wow! Over 100k views in under 24 hrs! I am humble. Thank you all.


  66. Grew up in Rural New York and had a Schrade knife when I was a kid.Still have a few today. BTW, Shrade knives were made in New York. Now they are made in Asia.

  67. I used to carry the 3 blade that my Grandpa gave to me when I was a teenager. As I grew older, I realized how sentimental it started becoming to me so I put it aside for safe keeping so I wouldn’t lose it. I started carrying other variants of pocket knives until I saw a leatherman wingman. It will never leave my side till the day I die. No doubt my Grandpa saved me some headaches and tought me multiple lessons by introducing a small pocket knife to me.

  68. I carry my knife daily. At least one of the many I own. My pocket knife is the most universal tool I own. Without it I feel naked. I grew up around men who carried knives and could use them to fix just about anything and it was one of them who gave my first knife to me. I guess he saw my curiosity every time he pulled it out to use it. I'm proud to be one of a dwindling group of me who carry a pocket knife and use them daily.

  69. I've carried a knife since I was five, that makes a bit more than 54 years. When I was 13 I was mentored by an old trapper, who swore that any multi bladed knife was untrustworthy, so I carried a single bladed knife until I was in my 30s. Then I figured out that quality of pocket knives, especially American pocket knives, had improved. Now I carry both a Leatherman tool, which in my opinion is not quite a knife, and a 3 bladed congress knife.

    Pocket knives are great gifts!

  70. As a child, my father gave me my first knife and told me never to be without one. I took him at his word on it, same as I did everything else he said. In the 70's, every male had one in his pocket (at least the kids I hung with). The FFA teacher would ask for them in school, but only to teach us how to properly hone an edge then would give it back. Good memories and lessons learned.
    I haven't been without a knife on me since. I carry a small Old Timer 3 blade and an Uncle Henry Pro Trapper (for bigger needs). It wouldn't feel right not to have them in my pocket!

  71. Love reading this story and comments. I'm 65 woman and drove a 18 wheeler dump truck for over 30 yrs. Then a Propane delivery truck for almost 10 yrs. Carried a pocket knife off and on yrs. in my purse LOL Now that I'm retired and the official plastic wrap cutter off of big round bales of hay for our cattle. My son got me a beautiful blue(my favorite color) Case for Christmas that stays in right front pocket.

  72. I've always said "Real men carry knives and hankerchiefs".

  73. Great story about something that is both pedestrian, but also utilitarian at the same time. I use the saying often, "if I have my pants on, I have a knife". It does bother me to think that the generation coming along today doesn't know what a useful tool that a well sharpened pocket knife can be.

  74. Moved on to Leatherman over 25yrs ago with their first PST, now carry their Wave model everyday. Use it everyday at least once. Great tool.

  75. I typically have a knife on me somewhere. My dad was one who, if he had pants on, he had a knife. Being female, I sometimes wear dresses, but I also usually wear boots, so knife in one boot, phone in the other. And if I can't wear boots, then at least I have ample cleavage.

  76. What about a flight on an airplane? Does the knife get confiscated? I don't fly so I've never had to deal with this but this article makes me wonder.

    1. If you have checked baggage, put it in there. Otherwise, you will most probably lose that knife.

  77. Have carried one since grade school where we played mumbly peg at recess, through high school, as a door gunner in Nam, and 22 more years in the Navy... In civilian life at any job I had and now retired as long as I got pants on theres one in my pocket.. Lost my best 3 blade case and felt naked. 3 years later, next to where my truck was parked, I found it... Cleaned it up and living and working it now... Retired now, but still carry atleast one.

  78. I always have at least 2with me

  79. When I was a kid and needed a knife I'd ask dad: "Do you have your pocket knife?" His response was always the same as he'd pull the knife from his pocket and hand it to me: "I got my pants on don't I?" His knife showed a wear from work, and sharpening. He always kept it shaving sharp, frequently touching it up on the sharping sticks kept in the kitchen. That, and a silver dollar were always in his pocket. He'd had the silver dollar since he was a kid. It had a hole drilled in it from when he'd put a piece of leather through it to wear around his neck as a kid, and it was worn completely smooth from pocket wear, unrecognizable as a silver dollar anymore.

    Dad gave me a Gerber lockback pocket knife as a going off to college present. I still have that knife today, and carry it sometimes, some 35 years later, though it's not the only one I carry. I sent it off to Gerber in recent years to be repaired when the lockback spring wore out, and the tech told me they'd not seen one like that in years. All they make now is the plastic and tactical type stuff. The little knife pictured is not unlike the one my dad always carried.

    Thanks for the article and memories! #missingdad

  80. The Only thing I would change is have one in each front pocket.

  81. Been carrying a pocketknife since I was 5 years old. If I have my pants on, I have my knife. First thing my daddy taught me to do was hone a pocketknife.

  82. I teared up reading your post ! So very true. My husband is no longer with us, and I miss him so terribly, but he always said " if I got my pants on, I have got my knife in my pocket!" Was a great read!

  83. I still carry the same three bladed Camillus that I saved for and bought when I was 14 years old (1969).

    1. I carry a Camillus, too! And I am a 79 year old great-grandmother! I've carried since early childhood. Sometimes a Buck or other brand, but I really like my Camillus. We girls can do guy things, you know.

  84. I'm 58 years old and have carried a knife in my pocket since I was 7 years old! Just like my guns I won't go into anyplace it isn't welcome! My grandpa always told me if it ain't razor sharp it ain't worth carrying! Great read that brings back lots of memories! TYVM!

  85. I have always carried a pocketknife. I am a member of the same generation as you, and proud of it.

  86. My father told me back in about 58 or 59, that a man without a pocketknife in his pocket, is not much of a man.

  87. I am 55 years of age and I have carried a pocket knife for 51 years. The first knife that I owned was a CaseXX 3 blade

  88. "If I have my pants on, I have my pocketknife" , I heard this many times from my husband .

  89. My dad gave me my first pocket knife on my 6th birthday - a small Old Timer. I lost that one a few years later, but with the exception of entering an airport or federal building, I don't think I've ever been without one in my pocket or on my belt in the last 60 years. I'll be carrying one the day I die, too.

    I collected knives for several years and my collection of 76 knives (Case, Buck, Old Timer, Schrade, Kershaw, Gerber and Benchmade, along with a few oddballs) was stolen in a burglary about 12 yrs. ago. I'm slowly building up the collection again.

  90. I have carried at least one everyday since I was 6 years old,that's when my Dad gave me my first knife

  91. My Grandfather gave me my fisrt knife when i was 8 years old and i still have it today 56 years later. I gave my son and grandson their first knives and hopefully they will say the same thing.

  92. I remember the knife my dad bought me. It's long gone lost and I'm not sure where or when. I've never tried to find one like it. I often thought about that knife. I carry two knives with me on a daily basis now. I've bought my dad a hand full of knives since then and he replies "I hope you don't think I'm going to carry these." After losing mine I wish I would have had the same mentality. I would still be carrying a knife but I wish I would have put up the first one.

  93. I am 42 years old and I own the same knife in the picture which my dad carried with him all his life .It was my grandpaps knife .So, I do not carry it in fear of loosing it but I do carry one.

  94. Buck 110 lock back in a sheath on my belt. Always.

  95. i carry 2 knives and also i gift knives just because you never knew you would use it til you had it, it isnt a weapon it is a tool

  96. Two on on the belt swiss army and case in my pocket

  97. I always carry a swiss army, pocket knife. It got me into trouble many times, though, when I am going through airport security, only to find that I forgot to put my pocket knife, with my checked luggage. I've thrown several away at that time. I've even mailed one back home, rather than disposing of my knife.

  98. I'm 63 and have carried a pocket knife since I was at Least 10.

  99. I'm 78 and I've carried a pocket knife since I was about 5. A few years ago I was waiting in line to board a plane in Sacramento,CA when I realized I had my knife in my pocket and knew I couldn't get on the plane with it. I managed to catch the eye of an old couple who was outside the ropes and waiting for someone to de-plane. I motioned them over, handed the old man the knife and $10 and my business card with my home address on it. My trust in human nature was rewarded as about two weeks later my knife arrived in the mail.

  100. I am 63 and have been carrying a pocket knife since I was at Least 10 years old.

  101. My company banned the carrying of pocket knives on company product after a lost time incident involving and incompetent individual using a pocket knife improperly. If effectively took an effective tool out of the hands of the majority that are competent and made “outlaws” of most of them, including myself. It’s now any unwritten rule of don’t ask, don’t show it, and I will continue to carry one daily, everywhere I go, including a reactionary work place that is so bound up in a bureaucratic stranglehold that they can’t see that rewarding good, competent employees is better than punishing them.

  102. I carry it's one my daddy gave me when I was 8
    So do both my of my kids

  103. If I have my pants/shorts on, I have knife in my pocket.

  104. My Dad was the manager of an apartment complex. When it was time to hire a new maintenance man, during the interview he would ask to see the prospects pocket knife. If he didn’t have one, the interview was over!

  105. I carry a Buck 110 50th anniversary, Leatherman wave and heavy lockblade all purpose knife for most of the daily needs.


  107. What a rush of good memories this article brought back. I'm 59 this year and have carried a pocketknife since my dad bought me my first one when I took the Cub Scout oath back in the 60's. Boy Scouts....Military....real life...always got one in my pocket or on my belt. Thank you for this article...and it's good to see that even though we're a dying breed...we're still around, ready to "get 'er done", and passing along a very valuable lesson in this crazy old world we live in.

  108. I carry. I actually feel undressed without it. It was a gift from a close friend a long time ago.

    1. I received my first knife at 9 years of age. I have a knife left to me from a close friend who passed away 35 years ago. I have never been without a pocket knife.

  109. This is the wisdom of my dad who passed it along to me many, many moons ago. We all, as children and some times to this day, referred to his: "the handy, dandy pocketknife". A pocketknife's value is immeasurable! I always, always carry (except where they are not allowed) and sees use every single day. Cut, clean, poke, pick up, etc. "Better to have and not need, than to need and not have." Just cannot imagine not having one in my pocket.

  110. I am 52, i carry a small old timer all the time, and as a cop i carry 2 tactical knives as well, one with a glass breaker point and a seat belt cutter, but has a seratted blade which i dont care for and the toher has a straight blade, the old timer was my dads, and i will carry it untill i join him in heaven.

  111. I've carried a knife practically every day since age 12, even to school. My dad gave me my first one at 8 and have many great knives. I like the idea of gifting them, think I'll start that Myself. Today, I still see a lot of people with that tell tail clip on their pocket. While I'm sure most don't carry one a lot do ... There are full forums dedicated to edc pocket knives and knives in general. Every store still has knives in cases to stare at. Remember, all hope is not lost as long as folks like us keep handing down what we learned. Great post!

  112. I feel undressed without my pocket knife.

  113. Great story! I'm 69 and don't remember the early days when I suppose I didn't carry one every day. Grew up on a farm in North Alabama just South of Huntsville, so we were sort of neighbors. Have more knives and knife sharpeners than I care for the wife to know about. And yes, I can build or fix about anything that doesn't have a computer in it or connected to it.

  114. Always! and I work in an office. I have had to walk 4 blocks to put mine back in my vehicle when walking into a music festival. I have also had to walk back to the parking deck in an airport because I just automatically clip it into my pocket. After that I always packed it my checked baggage.

  115. I am 45 years old, always carry a pocket knife. I am a Case man. T I always heard and still here my dad say if someone asks him "do you have a knife", is "I have my pants on don't I?".

  116. Have always carried a knife weather it was a Swiss Army knife or mostly carried leatherman or also a Gerber multitool. Have a collection of over a dozen knives even an old two bladed knife from my father and a three bladed knife from my great grandfather. Shown is partial collection. Have one original leatherman and leatherman Wave and a Wingman. I have only lost one leatherman over the years

  117. This is one of the best things I've read in a long time. It always pains me to see a man without a knife. It's a very stark reminder of changing times and changing people. I've carried the same Queen, two bladed "trapper" for 19 years now. It's been rebuilt twice and has been my constant companion everywhere I've been. I don't believe a day has ever passed without its use. Pray for the younger generation.....

  118. I carry a pocketknife, got my first PK at age eight as a Cub Scout as an award and have carried one every sense, I have hundreds of PK’s, 600 plus, I respectfully call most of them “Pocket Jewelry” , beautiful pieces. “Case” is my choice but I will buy any kind any time. What do you buy someone who has one of everything, you guessed it, another pocket knife.....

  119. I also feel naked without my knife. I've often traded knives with friends for no other reason than add an act of friendship. I now carry a Leatherman tool everyday.
    I truly enjoyed your tale and wish I had told it.

  120. If I have pants on, I have at least 1 knife on me. Been that way most of my life and I'm 60 years old.

  121. Love this article! Fantastic read and so true for southern roots especially!!
    Suzan Campbell

  122. I am lucky enough to have a yellow Case Trapper that belonged to my grandfather from Tennessee and an Old Timer Stockman that belonged to my dad. I usually keep them stashed away but sometimes carry them in remembrance. I always carry a Gerber single blade folder and a Case Hawkbill.

  123. I have carried one for years. These days on any given day I’ll have 1-3 knives with me with the only exception of flying then I feel lik I’m not wearing my clothes. For those of us that carry having a knife with you everyday is like a friend always with you. One thing my grandpa always told me about keeping my knife sharp was “ It doesn’t weigh any more to carry a sharp knife as it does a dull one “. Around my house there is knives in just about room because you never know when you’re going to need it.

  124. I carry an old two blade Barlow pocket knife and a small Gerber fixed blade on my belt

  125. This comment has been removed by the author.

  126. My husband bought me a Kershaw lock blade knife. I LOVE it. And if I am dressed up and can't wear the knife on my side.... it's in my purse or jacket. Some men are surprised when I pop open my knife lickity split. But I love it. And I know he's proud at their surprise. I love the sound it makes when it snaps open. Faster than you can blink your eyes. And I DO ACTUALLY use it daily. It's not Just a fashion accessory. My girl friends have actually said can I borrow your knife. Of course I tell them, If you can't close it yourself just let me open it and close it for you & I show them how to open and close it. Some brave it, some say, you just do it for me ��. But I can see the excitement at the thought of doing it themselves. They were raised like me. My grandpa saying Uh-Uh, you'll cut yourself, I'll do that. (Which I still have my husband open stuff for me with his knife, if we're together. But if we're not, he knows I got it.)

    Gentlemen, don't just buy knives for your sons, buy them for you're daughters too.

  127. I always carry no matter what on the farm or to town

  128. I’ve carried a pocket knife since I was about six years old. Over 70 years

  129. My husband and I each carry a small Swiss Army pocketknife. It's little but mighty, and rarely a day goes by that we don't pull them out and use them.

  130. Used to carry a simple Swiss Army but now carry a Benchmade Griptilian.

    One thing about giving knives ... there is an old custom surrounding the gift of a knife. Be sure to ask the recipient for a coin as the exchange must be two sided else the knife will cut the friendship. Cheers!

  131. Yes, I carry. Wife is due in 5 weeks and will be looking for a new knife to use, and hopefully pass down to my future little one. What have you guys had for a whole, what's going to last?

  132. Yep, I carry and have since childhood, I'm 69.
    Whether in work clothes of Sunday go to church clothes, one is in my pocket.

  133. I've carried one everyday since I was about 6 years old. I turned 60 this past Sunday. I've had several over the years. but have grown fond of Buck knives over the past few years. but I do still have the Cub Scout knife that by parents bought for me when I was 8. I usually have at least a couple of knives on me at all times.

  134. At 37 years old I have carried one for as long as I remember. It took me awhile to find mt ideal tool and the one I currently carry is a leatherman squirt es4. This multitool has enabled me to solve many a problem before others even have a chance to think about what tool they need to locate. Someone once told me..."A man with a pocket knife is worth a nickle more an hour", I could not agree more.

  135. I’m a 50-something year old man, former Boy Scout raised by a farm boy father. I’ve carried some sort of knife (from the “official” Boy Scout pocket knife, a Swiss Army Knife, then graduated to a Leatherman while serving as a firefighter. Though no longer a firefighter, I still clip a Leatherman into my pants pocket every day.

    Two of my 3 grown daughters proudly carry a knife in their purse or backpack daily. They get laughs, right up to the point they help someone with it. ;-)

  136. Yup.I have been collecting them for awhile. Check out Those folks are the bees knees.

  137. Great article and awesome way to help men start with a knife. I have a website and podcast geared toward men. Can I put a link to your article on my website -

    1. Yes Paul, that would be fine. I would be honored to help with the great American cause.

  138. Carry at less one for the better part of 60years. Carrying three every day now.

  139. This comment has been removed by the author.

  140. I carry a clip on for work use. After my dad passed I’ve carried his, the one he carried most all of my childhood, when I’m not working. I’d hate to lose it but I find myself rubbing its handle whenever I put a hand in that pocket. I guess it’s worn sides and blades that have been sharpened many times over give me a connection
    Eagle Scout, Marine, Police officer 24 years and counting

  141. I always have my case. I'm heartbroken without. I have my carry all's and my collection. My 3 daughters have theirs also. My uncle taught me as a very young girl, let a man fix it because he wants to but know how to fix it when you have to and don't expect someone else to do what you wouldn't.

  142. I carry 2 different multitools, 1 small enough that it fits in my pocket, 1 in a holster.

    Plus 2 knives. 1 is a beater, and gets used for just about anything grungy, it's got rust spots from cutting open bags of calcium chloride, and is somewhat dull. The second is probably a bit more of a pocket queen, it's there for when I need a sharp edge like digging out splinters or slivers, cutting food, for when I need something heavy duty, and it's a spring assisted opener, for if I have to have it open fast, in tunet of urgent need.

    The second doesn't get used much, but it does get used.

  143. If I have my pants are on my pocket knife is with me Along with some spare change and a multi tool if I'm at work

  144. I don't even walk around my house WITHOUT a pocket knife :) I'm not a man, but definitely a self-sufficient human who hopes she is welcome here because this article describes me & the types of humans I respect.

  145. I made sure it was in his pocket the day he was buried. That knife was everything to my dad....

  146. I’m 45. I wear dress clothes and work in an office, but I always have my case peanut with me. I have a bigger knife in my briefcase if the need arises, along with other tools a man should have at his ready. To be prepared was what I was taught. Great read!

  147. Never leave home without 2 things, my trusty Boy Scout pocket knife and a handkerchief. Learned to carry those 2 things in a Boy Scout leader training course WoodBadge.

  148. i still carry my knife and my grandson also carries one would be lost without it

  149. Definitely! It'll go home with a TSA agent if you try to go through security. The same goes for lighters.

  150. I turn 50 in April and still have the Buck 110 my dad gave me when I believe I was thirteen. Blade is a little worn from all the use. It’s cleaned many deer, squirrels, fish, rabbits, and even some pheasant and quail.

  151. I have carried one for 39 yrs. Unless I fly somewhere. Great story.

  152. i live in Commifornia up in the Sierra Nevada. I'm fortunate to have grown up here but it is a state of pussies and ever increasing that population. I've carried a knife since I was a youngster and so did my Dad, Grandpa, and Uncles. You are correct that it's embarrassing to encounter a grown man that doesn't have at the least a pocket knife. Great piece and enjoyed reading it.

  153. I have carried a pocket knife my entire life, I have had favorites
    but I usually carry one for a while and then get a one and add the old one to my collection. I usually buy good quality knives because a tool that I use often should be a good one. I have passed on this trate to my Grandchildren teaching them knife safety first.

  154. Just don't feel right going out of the house without my knife!

  155. My husband and I have been married for 15 years, he gave his groomsmen case knives as a gift. He carries one and my father has always carried a pocket knife, he has a smaller slim one he carries as his "good one" on dressy occasions.

  156. I'm 68 years old and do not remember a time when I did not have a pocket knife with me. I remember in the fourth grade, on Monday mornings, Miss Moore, my teacher, would tell me "Darold, take that little knife of yours and get us some heat." I bleed the steam radiators in our room so the heat could get through. She would then tell me to go down to Miss Rogers room and get them some heat too. No a days, if a fourth grader has a knife at school, him and perhaps his parents would be locked up!

  157. I carry one every day. I can't remember when I started to carry one but I do remember my Father always having one with him all the time and using it often for so many task that I felt it was a need for a man to have one with him. Unfortunately I recently went with my wife and two sons who are adults to see a show. Upon entering the event we were required to be screened with a metal detector at the door and was told I could not have my pocket knife on me. This really upset me. My sons looked at me and asked what I was thinking to try to bring a pocket knife (Swiss Army)into the arena. I replied that it wasn't my fault I grew up in a time where you didn't have to be sent through a metal detector to enter a family event or school or any number of places. Times have changed.

  158. My daddy gave me a knife about 30 years ago and that knife has always been in every purse over the years. Once I was able to save a preschooler who had wrapped the school van seatbelt around his neck and it locked. The van driver was frantic trying to find scissors to cut the seatbelt because the child was choking and it had locked. I ran over with my pocket knife and cut the seatbelt. The child thankfully was alright. Love my knives. Funny to collect both teacups and knives. What a combination lol

  159. My favorite saying when asked if I have a pocket knife is " I'm wearing my pants ain't I ? ".

  160. Absolutely, I've had a knife in my pocket for damn near 60 yrs. One is always in my pocket and most times another is on my belt.


Oh the knives that have been lost through the years...

Since the post about " The kind of men who carry a pocket knife ", I have had a good bit of discussion about the pocket knife in t...