The whirlwind we call life......
Here in the South, we have historically always known that wasting time had nothing to do with sitting on the porch swing. When they say that things move at a slower pace down here, that has always been by design. Until recent years, Southerners have kept certain aspects of life as a priority. When I was kid, "visiting" was a thing. Sunday afternoons were spent with loved ones. A phone call was not the proper way to check up on somebody who was sick.
Often I have attempted to admonish others to use time wisely. To make the most of life while you can.
Busyness is nothing more than having your priorities misplaced. In the end, we will never wish that we had spent one more day at the office nor a little more time mowing grass. Carve out margin in your life to spend a few more minutes with your loved ones. Place that work email on hold to call your college buddies. Let that dang grass grow a little taller in trade for a few extra stories told over a cup of coffee with friends. The time we have is borrowed. Our lives are made richer by the adventures lived and the ones we share them with. So if you find yourself in conversation with me and I tend to stick around a bit longer, to hug instead of just shake hands, or to just show up out of the blue, you should just know that I have a renewed spirit of how to spend the time that I have borrowed and that you are part of it.
That was very well said. About sixteen years ago I slowed down and came to the realisation that there were more important things than "chasing a dollar" Sure there is work to be done from time to time, but there is an abundance of time for doing exactly what you have described here.